• Bone Cutter

    5″ Stainless Steel

    6″ Stainless Steel

  • Camera Lucida
    • Prism type in velvtet box
    • Mirror type in velvtet box
  • Cavity Plate
    • 6 Cavity
    • 12 Cavity
  • Compound Light Microscopes
    • Two eyepiece 10x, 15x & Two Objectives 10x, 45x. With fixed Condenser.
    • Superior Optics (In Wooden Box)
    • Routine Quality (In Thermocole Box)
    • Export Quality (In Wooden Box)
  • Dissection Kit
    • Ordinary quality
    • Superior quality
    • Deluxe quality
  • Forceps
    • Forceps are used when fingers are too large to grasp small objects or when many objects need
      to be held at one time while the hands are used to perform a task.
    • The term “forceps” is used almost exclusively within the medical field.
    • Material : Stainless Steel
    • Color : Silver
    • Used in laboratory, Clinics, Hospitals.
  • Green Board (For Classroom Teaching) Chalk Board
    • Size : 4ft. X 3ft.
    • Size : 6ft. X 4ft.
    • Size : 8ft. X 4ft.
    • White Board also available
  • Hand Lens
    • Large size with metal ring and handle
    • A magnifying glass (called a hand lens
      in laboratory contexts) is a convex lens that is
      used to produce a magnified image of an
    • The lens is usually mounted in a frame with a handle


  • Human Skeleton Full Size (Fibre)
    • Size 5 Feet Superior Quality
    • Size 5 Feet Routine Quality

    Features :-
    Designed with excellence
    Highly durable
    The lower jaw moves.
    Hinged feet.
    Key card included.
    Complete with heavy metal stand.

  • Petri Dishes
    • Large size
    • Color : Clear
    • Heat resistant
    • Shape : Round
    • Chemical resistant
    • Material : Borosilicate glass
  • Scalpel Blade
    • Material : Stainless Steel
    • Used in laboratory
    • Chemical resistant
    • Color : Silver
  • Scissor
    • 4″ Pointed Superior quality
    • 4″ Pointed Routine quality
    • 5″ Blunt Routine quality
    • 4″ Blunt Superior quality
  • Slide Covers
    • These microscope slide cover slips are made out of glass and are essential
      equipment for the lab.
    • They can be used to keep solid specimens pressed flat, and liquid samples
      shaped into a flat layer of even thickness.
    • Material: Borosilicate Glass
    • Shape: Square
    • Color: Clear
    • Used in Laboratory
  • Zoology Specimens In Plastic Jar

    Sponge, Starfish, Sea Urchin, Snail, Slug, Pila, Unio, Sepia Cuttle Fish, Loligo, Jelly Fish, Cypris, Housefly, Butterfly, Beetle, Cockroach, Spider, Termite, Mosquito, Bed Bug, Wasp, Locust, Grass hopper, Dragon Fly, Sea Anemone, Lever Fluke, Ascaris, Earthworm. Leech, Prawn, Labeo Rohita, Coral, Obelia, Nereis.

